MODULE 3: BROKER PACKET TYPES | Exodus Dispatching
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Image by Josiah Farrow

MODULE 3: Broker Packet Types

The two types of packets needed by the Freight Broker or Freight Agent are designed for a contract between the Freight Broker and the Shipper (Shipper packet) and the Freight Broker and Carrier/Owner Operator (Carrier packet).


Shipper Packet contents: (What the Freight Broker sends to the Shipper to get set up for moving their loads/freight)

Broker/Shipper Packet

Shipper Agreement

1.  Broker/Shipper Agreement

2. Company Profile 

3. Broker Authority

4. Certificate of Insurance (COI)

5. W9

6. Credit Application


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Broker/Carrier Packet

Carrier Packet contents: (What the Freight Broker requests from the Carrier to get them set up with their Brokerage)​

Carrier Agreement

1. Broker/Carrier Agreement

2. Carrier Profile

What Freight Broker need COPIES of from the Carrier:

3. Carrier Authority

4. Certificate of Insurance (COI)

5. W9

6. Credit Application


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Module 1 Quiz
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