Dispatcher 101 & Freight Broker 101 Training BOOK NOW
Exodus Logistics Learning Center
America’s #1 Dispatcher & Freight Broker Training

About Us

CHARLES CARES! Ask his wife, ask his students, ask his business partners… you can even ask people living on the street who he regularly helps with food and money. Why? Because Charles cares and he demonstrates it everyday, in every way. To quote a former student “Charles changed my life”!
The #1 goal of Charles and the Exodus Logistics Learning Center is to provide you with a quality alternative to traditional 9 to 5’s that work extremely well and don’t break the bank to start. In fact, the reason Charles chose “Exodus” for his company name was because he wanted to lead people out of the overworked, underpaid world of traditional employment.
Charles takes great pride in the fact that he’s an honorable business owner. He fights hard to make sure that his programs are fairly priced and that he’s doing everything possible to make sure everyone under his care is successful. If you’ve ever met Charles, then you already know that Charles not only cares, but he keeps his word. The Exodus Logistics Learning Center offers America’s #1 Dispatching and Freight Broker Programs… and Charles is bound and determined to make sure it stays that way!